San Diego start-up Advanced Graphics Engineering Inc is beginning to wrap its tentacles around the budding X terminals business. In the last few months, the software company signed OEM deals with screen mavens Tektronix and Hewlett-Packard for the X server code to power up their X terminals. Then IBM went to AGE for the Xstation Manager software it’s using to run its sexy new Xstation 120 for the new RS/6000 boxes. Separately, Advanced Graphics will be putting on the market the Xsoftware programs it has developed to run IBM’s Xstation 120 off of the installed base of old RTs and SunOS-run Sun workstations. When Xoftware for the RT and Sun becomes available next month, licences are expected to go for under $1,000 in both single and multi-user versions. Long about April, look for a package for DEC’s X terminal.