Sony Corp of America, Scientific-Atlanta Inc and MAST Industries Inc have co-operatively accomplished what they are proudly calling the world’s first High Definition Television videoconference, by linking Andover, Massachusetts-based MASTIndustries, the design and procurement arm of US retail group The Limited Inc, with Hong Kong fashion manufacturers. As a whole, the transmission involved two satellite hops and three fibre optic links in two directions, simultaneously using HDB-MAC all the way. The Hong Kong feed was accomplished via cable TV and satellite-based communications network supplier Scientific-Atlanta’s HDB-MAC satellite transmission system transmitting over fibre optic lines within Hong Kong, with the feed then uplinked to an Intelsat satellite over the Pacific. From that satellite, the signal went via an AT&T ground station in the Pacific Northwest to a GE Americom satellite across the US, going directly to MAST headquarters in Andover. A similar path carried the return signal back to Hong Kong. Sony high-definition cameras, monitors, and projection equipment was installed in MAST offices in Hong Kong and Andover, so that MAST buyers could study the fabrics being displayed. Santa Monica, California-based Vision Accomplished designed the network, while both Cable & Wireless Hong Kong and Hong Kong Telephone provided the Hong Kong fibre-optic links.