The Tandy Corp computer products announced in the US in August (CI Nos 738 and 739) have finally been officially launched in the UK: the 1000HX with MS-DOS built in in ROM starts at UKP595, the twin 5.25 floppy 1000SX at UKP795, and the 8MHz 80286-based 1000TX at UKP895; the 1400 LT MS-DOS lap-top, which has been well reviewed in the US, starts at UKP995, the LP1000 six-page-per-minute laser printer at UKP1,795, the DMP2120 dot matrix printer at UKP995 and the 80386-based 4000 at UKP1,995; a 40Mb 28 millisecond access time hard disk 4000 with 1Mb RAM, 1.44Mb 3.5 floppy drive and mono VDU is UKP2,995; the LP1000, the DMP2120 and the 4000 will only be sold in the 47 UK stores where the staff have had special computer training or by the direct sales force; Tandy UK, which is in its fourteenth year, made a net profit for the first time last quarter, and is now being incorporated in this country; it will continue to be wholly owned by Canadian-based Tandy spinout InterTan Inc; around 17% of Tandy UK’s turnover last year came from computer products.