At a time when DEC is having to make cuts and refocus the company it needs the morale boost of an exhibition full of new DEC products and the clamour of me-too software vendors. Ken Olsen is reported to have said that skipping the show last year as a cost-cutting measure may have been a mistake because of the goodwill it generates. This year’s Boston DECWorld has not disappointed and the focus has been on DEC’s networking strategy and its Enterprise Management Architecture.

Legato Systems adds another hardware vendor to its list of Prestoserve devotees

Legato Systems Inc of Palo Alto, California, has signed an agreement with DEC to license Legato’s Prestoserve file system accelerator technology. This licence follows one signed the other day with Sun Microsystems Inc for its Network File System (CI No 1,465), and will enable DEC to provide enhanced disk input-output speed and throughput for its Ultrix RISC-based DECsystems which are used as file and database servers in much the same way that Sun expects it to boost the performance of its Sparcser-ver line. Prestoserve accelerates performance by caching writes in non-volatile memory, thereby eliminating a major file system bottleneck and, with such endorsements from Sun and DEC, looks set to take Legato into the big league in the server market. The product maintains full Unix file system semantics and compatibility with existing disk, controllers and software drivers on DEC systems.

Codex hitches its 9800 Series to DEC’s Enterprise Management Architecture

Motorola Inc subsidiary Codex Corp took the opportunity of DECWorld to show off the 9800 Series Access Module which enables the Codex 9800 Series Network Management System to interface to DEC’s Enterprise Management Architecture. Codex will provide integrated wide area network management with links to IBM’s NetView, DEC’s Enterprise Management Architecture and AT&T’s UNMA systems. Under the DEC system, the 9800 will pass integrated information from the physical network through the Access Module to the DECmcc Management Station. The Configuration Function Module will allow the DECmcc to configure Codex devices managed by the 9800. The DECmcc will use the Alarms Function Module to its full extent for the broad range of devices managed by the 9800. The Control Function Module enables the DECmcc user to monitor events, run diagnostics, send commands and read status from devices managed by the 9800. Codex will deliver its first release of the 9800 Access Module at the same time as the first customer shipment of the DECmcc package.

Vitalink connects with DECmcc via its Access Module

At DECWorld in Boston, Fremont, California-based Vitalink Communications Corp, which describes itself as a local area internetworking company, has been demonstrating its first implementation of an Access Module for DEC’s DECmcc. Vitalink’s Internetwork Access Module complies with DEC’s Enterprise Management Architecture. Vitalink has, of course, been party to the ongoing development of the DECmcc network management tool with respect to its ability to manage third-party non-Digital devices effectively. Vitalink’s Phase 1 of the Access Module provides comprehensive status and statistical information about Vitalink internetworking products, including both Ethernet and token ring bridges and routers. Phase 1 will ship along with the release of DECmcc 1.1 in 1991. Phase 2, due for release later in 1991, will include broad support for the SET command, so that the DECmcc operator can configure and directly control Vitalink products from both graphical and terminal-based DECmcc interfaces.

BBN Communications goes for DECmcc Director in a big way

BBN Communications, a division of Bolt, Beranek & Newman Inc, says it has chosen DEC’s Enterprise Management Architecture and the DECmcc Director software as the network management system on which it intends to buildits next generation integrated network management offering. BBN expects this system to enable present and future customers to monitor and control their diverse, wide-area backbone networks mo

re efficiently and cost effectively. At DECWorld the company simultaneously announced it has joined DEC’s DECmcc Strategic Vendor Programme, and stated its intention to take DEC’s DECmcc Director software OEM. BBN claims it is the first to use the DECmcc Director as the software upon which it will integrate its network management system products. The company intends to build a unified architecture within DEC’s Enterprise Management Architecture to manage all the wide-area network components both in its product line and to link to other OSI-based network management systems. Over the next six to 12 months, BBN says it will add advanced planning, operations and integration capabilities to the DECmcc package for general release in the first half of 1991. Tthe company says it expects a phased migration from the current BBN Communications network management system for its users without disruption of their network service.

Wellfleet catches DEC’s eye with its SNMP Management Information Base

Wellfleet Communications says it has jointly defined the basis for an SNMP-based Access Module with DEC. This will enable the DECmcc Management Station to manage a network of Wellfleet Feeder Node, Link Node, and Concentrator Node multiprotocol routers and bridges. Wellfleet added that it has joined the DECmcc Strategic Vendor Programme. Under this programme, Wellfleet has provided DEC with the specifications for its SNMP Management Information Base which DEC plans to incorporate into the DECmcc Management Station. As well as monitoring protocols like DECnet and TCP/IP, the company claims that its Management Information Base can monitor wide area network components and circuits.