With a new searching and indexing speed, Information Dimensions Inc is claiming that its new Basis Version 8.0 is the industry’s fastest document management system to date. The Dublin, Ohio based company is the first to introduce Very Large Database support to document management, with Basis V8 able to split indexes over multiple files, connecting thousands of users to collections containing millions of documents, enabling the user to have up to 100 databases open at the same time. The system is said to have a sixth-sense searching function, making the information held within instantly available, when the user may not possess the key word associated with their search, by retrieving documents with a similar overall content. The system is capable of searching a database with a different character set to the one in which the user is operating, such as English and Chinese, using the same Basis software. With a potential capacity of terabytes, Information Dimensions is claiming that its tool, a multi-tiered, client server environment, sets a new standard for business critical document management. Basis also comes with desktop software to aid window users, including Windows NT support that provides remote Web access to databases on VMS and MVS systems, enabling companies to maximize investments in large information sources which can be shared with users on both the Internet and Intranet. The new version marks the first availability of Basis on Windows NT. It was previously only available on mainframe and Unix-based systems. Basis version 8 software prices start at $22,000.