Prolifiq has entered into a partnership with EthicsPoint.Together, the companies will offer an important layer of compliance monitoring to help life sciences companies cope with the myriad of government regulations covering the distribution of promotional, educational and scientific information.

Reportedly, Prolifiq is used by life sciences sales professionals to deliver critical information to health care practitioners. An embedded rules engine monitors the communication to ensure that it adheres with established norms for Good Promotional Practices (GPP).

The company has said that with this partnership, Prolifiq will send automatic alerts to a company’s EthicsPoint dashboard if communication patterns fall outside pre-defined boundaries. The alerts will trigger follow-up by a compliance officer, who will use EthicsPoint Case Management solution to process and document their assessment.

Jeff Gaus, CEO of Prolifiq, said: Our goal is to make it easier for companies to better gauge and monitor their internal-external communications. Together with EthicsPoint, we offer a closed loop solution that covers planning, organising, delivering, and proactively monitoring and resolving compliance anomalies with health care practitioners.

David Childers, CEO of EthicsPoint, said: We’re excited to add yet another layer of compliance monitoring to our Case Management solution set. Our Life Science customers will benefit from adding another proactive tool that helps them build automatic compliance monitoring into a business process.