Hayes Microcomputer Products Inc has entered the remote-access market with its Century 2000 line of entry level fixed port access servers. The new line is compatible with IP, IPX, and PPP protocols, Windows NT, Windows95 and AppleTalk. It also has full support for RADIUS accounting and billing and DHCP servers for dynamic Internet Potocol addressing. The range comes in four-, eight- and 16-port configurations with automatic modem discovery and full support for V.34 modems and ISDN devices. According to Hayes, the new line targets departmental, workgroup or small business sites where the user needs to mix and match existing devices or needs only a small number of remote access ports. Hayes says it is planning to extend the products in the Century range, taking the company further into the remote access market. A Century 9000 range of modular remote access concentrators, which will address the large enterprise market is also planned. The company says both ranges will share a common software management, security and installation base. No date has been given for its release.