Unisys has expanded its cloud computing offerings with the launch of Secure Private Cloud Solution, which it claims to allow organisations to realise the operational and economic benefits of cloud computing in their internal data centres. It has also made enhancements to the offering including disaster recovery service.

The company said that the new offering enables clients to reduce IT costs through server and storage virtualisation; automated operations and immediate self-service provisioning of resources; and align the supply of IT resources to fluctuating business demands.

The new offering allows a range of virtualisation, including scale-up and scale-out, and supports physical and virtual machines. Clients can run existing Microsoft Windows applications without alteration, reducing migration costs and realising the business benefits of cloud deployment, the company said.

According to Unisys, organisations can also choose to implement its stealth offering for additional data protection. It cloaks data from detection as it moves through the network and enables different departments and applications in a multi-tenant environment to share the same IT infrastructure without compromising the security of their data moving across the corporate network.

The company has augmented its portfolio of cloud transformation services with current state assessment, design and planning, installation and configuration, implementation and application migration services specifically for private cloud deployment.

The company has added Secure Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) to its secure cloud offering, which provides comprehensive business continuity and disaster recovery services on a subscription basis, lowering clients cost of entry compared to in-house implementation.

In addition, Unisys also added new capabilities, which includes plans to support Microsoft stacks, including IIS web server, .NET application server and SQL server, along with custom stacks such as IBM Websphere and Oracle, in its Secure Platform as a Service (PaaS); and the Secure Virtual Office as a Service (VoaaS) to will support client-supplied devices, such as PCs used as thin clients.