Candle Corp was demonstrating the 1.1 cut of its Intelliwatch Monitor and Intelliwatch Analyzer for Lotus Domino at Lotusphere. The first release came out a few weeks back for Notes only, to monitor transaction rates. But Domino presents a new set of problems to Notes administrators, according to Candle, which acquired the Intelliwatch tools from its CleverSoft Inc acquisition last July (CI No 2,959) Analyzer, a new tool which Candle has developed since the CleverSoft acquisition, watches Domino servers, looks at historical logs, sifts them, narrows in to a particular problem and then produces a report in Word or HTML format, enabling administrators to log-on through any users’ browser and check out the problem. Prices range $1,200 for one license to $3,500 depending on processors and the type of system.