Marimba Inc is today expected to announce a deal with Ottawa, Canada’s Corel Corp, sources close to the push software company. Since its launch back in October (CI No, 3,014), Marimba’s Castanet system has garnered a lot of attention as a content delivery mechanism – a kind of glorified PointCast – but with its Sun Microsystems Inc pedigree (Marimba’s founders split from JavaSoft), it has only been a matter of time until Marimba delivered on what may prove to be its true cash-cow: software distribution. Up until now, Marimba itself was the only company using Castanet for software delivery. The company says it has done five betas and about 60 incremental updates of its own product using the Castanet tuner/transmitter paradigm, where software run through a Castanet tuner updates itself automatically over the internet. The deal with Corel will make Castanet the delivery mechanism for Corel Office for Java. Customers will be able to download Office for Java via Castanet and will then be able to set the Marimba software to automatically search the Corel website for software updates and bug fixes. The initial download will be about 5Mb and Corel will be able to use the technology to seamlessly distribute all kinds of upgrades; anything from an entire segment of the product to a few bytes of code. Sources say the deal does not involve bundling Office for Java with Castanet, but Corel users will be able to download Castanet from a tune in now link on Corel’s website either today, Monday or Tuesday. There will also be a Castanet button on Corel’s website. Corel Office for Java is available in beta at