Motorola Inc, which started attracting a deal of bad publicity over its cellular phones this time last year, is disputing Dataquest Inc figures that it has lost market share in the developing US digital wireless phone market. According to Dataquest, users bought 117,000 Motorola digital phones in the US in 1996, a 62% plunge from 305,000 in 1995, so that its market share dropped to 8% for the year from 36.3%. The study did not include any units held in inventory. Motorola said as a policy it does not release production or market share numbers, but Jim Caile, corporate vice-president of marketing for Motorola’s cellular subscriber sector, declared that The numbers as I view it are grossly inaccurate. Dataquest reckons that L M Ericsson Telefon AB took 55.7% of the market in 1996 with 812,000 units sold, and Nokia Oy did 482,000, for 33%.