After failing to make its partnership with Inc come to fruition, Qualcomm Inc will this week announce its first electronic mail server product, tentatively called the Eudora WorldMail server. Last April, Qualcomm vowed to enter the server market with a low-end product to be available in the second half of 1996. Qualcomm had hoped to take the product from, but apparently that relationship didn’t quite work out and now, months behind schedule, Qualcomm is launching a scaled-down version of Isocor Inc’s N-Plex server. The Eudora product will feature SMTP/MIME, POP3, IMAP 4, HTTP and LDAP protocol support, and will run under Windows NT. Pricing was not available as we went to press. Isocor and Qualcomm last week announced a joint sales and marketing partnership and have vowed to co-develop products such as the WorldMail server.