Umax Computer Corp, Fremont, California is launching a new high end model in its SuperMac S900 Macintosh clone family, based on the 240 MHz PowerPC 604e processor. The company, a subsidiary of Umax Data Systems of Taiwan, claims that the new SuperMac S900/240 is the most powerful commercially available Mac OS- compatible system on the market – despite the fact that Power Computing of Round Rock, Texas has just launched a 250MHz model of its own (CI No 3,073). The new Umax offering is priced at $5,800, and in standard form ships with 32Mb of interleaved memory expandable to 1Gb; 512Kb level-2 cache; 8 Mb video RAM on an IMS 128-bit graphics accelerator; eight-speed CD-ROM; 2.1Gb Ultra SCSI hard drive; 100Base-T Ethernet; 1.4Mb floppy drive; six PCI card slots; four spare SCSI slots; keyboard and mouse. All S900 systems feature two more SCSI buses, along with two serial ports and two Apple Desktop Bus interconnects. The new Umax systems are due to ship in February. Meanwhile Power Computing is claiming a victory in the war against Microsoft Corp and Intel-Corp based personal computers, announcing an entry- level price of $2,000 for its PowerBase 200 QuickShip 200MHz Macintosh clone, with monitor and modem.