Reiterating its position on the UNIX-NT question at a press symposium in New York on Friday, Hewlett-Packard Co says that while it is firmly committed to NT, it will still be spending about 10 times more money on moving UNIX forward. The company believes that within its concept of the expanding global enterprise UNIX will always have its place secured at the high end, and sees its growth at 10-15% a year. As one executive said, HP would be foolish to abandon something in which it has invested millions of development hours. Its commitment to NT seems centered around its desire to offer everything that its customers might need. In what it says is an effort to reduce total cost of ownership to customers, HP sees itself covering the whole networking spectrum. And while NT may continue to push its way up towards the high end, HP is clear on the fact that its movement will be entirely controlled by investment and effort from Gates and Co.