There are mixed signals coming from Densitron International Plc the Biggen Hill, UK-based supplier of wave guides and other microwave products. Profits at the pre-tax level rose 15.4% to 1.2m pounds but revenue was down 13.4% to 42.1m pounds. The company insists that 1996 was an improvement over 1995 with many of its competitors falling into losses in the period. Discussions continue with Densitron’s highly profitable 50% subsidiary, Hitech Electronics Ltd in Taiwan. The board is attempting to increase Densitron’s holding in this key company but at present, Hitech’s founders do not seem ready to sell. Shares were trading two pence down for the day at 41.5 pence. The board has proposed a final dividend of 1.0 pence bringing the total to 1.6 pence for the year, up 0.05 pence on last year.