Love it or hate it, no-one can ignore the ever onwards and upwards march of Windows NT, and having been left high and dry without NT on the PowerPC, Compagnie des Machines Bull SA is now developing a new range of Intel Corp NT servers with its old partner NEC Corp. It is going for the high-end, scalable enterprise servers, and will use NEC’s 8-way main processor boards. Bull says it will deploy its ISM/OpenMaster enterprise security management system from its Sagister Unix systems in the new NT servers. The company says future developments will include symmetric multiprocessing clustering using Microsoft Corp’s Wolfpack technology, multi-node input/output and integrated high-availability storage systems. It also intends to offer bundled, application-specific software for markets such as data warehousing and internet or intranet servers. Bull says the first shipments of the servers will be in the autumn.