Client-server decision support tools outfit Microstrategy Inc has released the latest version of its DSS Agent front-end toolset for conducting OLAP on-line analytical processing against relational databases. Version 4.0 includes enhanced report writing, advanced drilling, improved graphing, smart totaling and report-level caching. It comes with intelligent agents and alerts which enable users to take action based on their data by automatically scanning the data warehouse and highlighting exception areas, says Microstrategy. It claims the first OLAP report writer with formatting and statistical functions such as standard deviation and variance. New graphing functionality delivers improved presentation and divides up a range of new graph types. Other properties include percentile and rank filtering, attribute descriptions and ID’s and a filter editor with mathematical operators. DSS Agent’s Workflow Trigger functionality enables users to specify both pre- and post-macros for integration with spreadsheet applications, so that a macro could be used to export data from a DSS Agent report into a forecasting application.