Oracle Corp has chosen Borland International Inc’s yet-to-be-released C++ and Java development tools over existing products from Sun Microsystems Inc and Symantec Corp for integration into its Developer 2000, Designer 2000 and Sedona development tools. The reason given for choosing Borland’s JBuilder and C++Builder over other vendors’ offerings was Borland’s history of innovative products, and not, as Oracle CEO Larry Ellison, without prompting, suggested, because I’ve known Del [Yocam, Borland CEO] for a long time. Yocam recently quit his position on the board of Oracle to concentrate on his duties at the head of Borland, a position he took up in December (CI No 3,051). The best thing Ellison – at home ill, but on the call nonetheless – could say about Borland’s products was that they were brand new and the most advanced. So new in fact, that JBuilder it’s not out until the third quarter, while C++Builder is due later this quarter. Sedona is the development product due just after Oracle 8, in the third quarter, having slipped from the first half. Sedona’s integration with JBuilder will be achieved by the third quarter with a beta version Borland’s tool, followed by the production version. But Developer 2000 and Designer 2000 will have to wait until shortly thereafter for their integration with JBuilder, according to Sohaib Abbasi, Oracle’s senior VP of the tools product division. Oracle was at pains to emphasize that it will still develop it’s own C++ tools, which makes the adoption of C++Builder look more of a favor to Borland than a technical necessity. The development tools are part of Oracle’s Network Computing Architecture (NCA), announced last October, comprising a client, application and database layer. This is not the end of its Java-enablement story however, and Abbasi said more announcement about Java-izing the database part can be expected. Oracle says NCA is based on JavaBeans and Corba, and one reason Symantec’s Cafe was passed over was that it favored ActiveX over JavaBeans, according to Abbasi. He said Oracle is still working with Sun to enhance Corba distributed object support and enrich the Java user interface library, and an announcement can be expected in three weeks about object request broker (ORB) interoperability. Both Borland tools will have Oracle branding with a Borland credit. As far as developers go, they’ll only drop into the Borland environment for C++ and Java development and stay in a non-procedureal modeling environment otherwise. Abbasi said the tools will support all major databases, not just Oracle. Borland’s Yocam wouldn’t comment on the financial impact this deal would have on his beleaguered company, but he said that in order to meet his goal of returning to profitability by the first quarter of next year the company’s needs more alliances with companies like Oracle to make sure the technology, product and people of Borland do not go unrecognized, he said.