Intel Corp announced Friday that all Pentium chips on the market by the end of 1998 would include MMX instructions. Separately, the Pentium II with MMX arrives on May 6, but according to PC Week, the company will make its cuts on the present its Pentium and Pentium Pro lines and Pentiums with MMX ahead of the news. It hears that the price of the Pentium Pro will barely move, falling to $415 from $428. The 200MHz Pro with 256KB cache will be $515, off just $10; the 166MHz and 200MHz non-MMX parts will be cut about 30% and about 38% respectively, so a 200MHz processor falls to about $295, a 166MHz to $195. Cuts on 166MHz and 200MHz MMX- enabled processors are seen at 25% and 8% so the 166MHz falls to $255, and the 200MHz at about $465. The 233MHz Pentium II are expected to be priced at about $590, and the 266MHz at about $725, and all prices are for orders of 1,000-up.