Cognex said that it has entered into web monitoring business through the acquisition of the web monitoring product line of Monitoring Technology Corporation (MTC), a manufacturer of products for monitoring industrial equipment and processes. Under this acquisition, Cognex has purchased certain assets associated with MTC’s SmartAdvisor Web Monitoring System in a cash transaction.

Reportedly, a web monitoring system (WMS) consists of a network of high-speed cameras linked to a computer running specialised software that controls the acquisition, storage and synchronisation of video from each of the cameras.

Cognex said that SmartAdvisor Web Monitoring System is complementary to its SmartView Web Inspection System (WIS). When used together the WIS automatically identifies and classifies defects, and the WMS then provides the customer with the ability to determine the root causes of each of those defects so that they can be eliminated.

Robert Shillman, chairman and CEO of Cognex, said: “This acquisition is an excellent strategic fit with our Surface Inspection Systems Division; the combination of WMS and WIS allows us to provide a fully-integrated system to paper manufacturers and converters around the world. We are looking forward to serving SmartAdvisor’s established customer base, which today is primarily in North America, and to quickly expanding the sales of SmartAdvisor globally through our existing worldwide sales and service organisation.”