Digital Equipment Corp has announced a raft of services and products it says make it easy to use and integrate Windows NT and other Microsoft Corp products into large, high performance multi- vendor systems. Digital says for the first time, NT will be available on its RISC-based AlphaServer 8000 family, which it says will give users breakthrough power and scalability, and which it is targeting at large business applications such as data warehousing, manufacturing, finance, internet and transaction processing. The company says early adopters will get the systems this summer, and that they will support Microsoft’s forthcoming 64-bit NT operating system. The services include eleven additional enterprise services for Microsoft technology, to enable NT to be integrated into business critical systems. They include Windows NT migration, Microsoft Exchange migration, internet and intranet systems and data warehousing using Microsoft SQL server. The internet services include Infrastructure readiness for NetPC, Internet Commerce for Microsoft Merchant Server and Commercial Internet services. The NT services include System Healthcheck, PC Utility, System Management Support and Software Support as well as installation and start-up for NT clusters. ServerWORKS 3.0 is a new suite of software tools that manage multivendor servers, networks, clients, hubs routers and switches, and integrate with existing system management software. ServerWORKS 3.0 will be bundled with all Prioris and AlphaServer systems. Digital has also introduced the next wave of its affinity NT integration program, Affinity Wave 4, which enables integration of NT with its OpenVMS operating system.