Sun Microsystems Inc has suffered a major setback in its attempt to have Java established as a standard through the International Standards Organization (ISO). The company’s application to become a submitter of a Publicly Available Specification is almost certain to be voted down this week by the Joint Technical Committee 1 Technical Advisory Group (JTC1 TAG) – the US representative in the process. There are 22 countries voting in all, but this no vote from the US will obviously carry some weight with the other countries that have yet to vote. The whole voting process will be complete by the end of next month. Sun declined to comment until all the votes are in. The members of the US committee are being advised to accept a no vote simply because a single for-profit company should not be accepted as a PAS submitter – Sun is attempting to become the first company to achieve that status. The proposed wording for its response to the ballot also warns that the JTC 1 should consider the risk it may incur when any company chooses to enter the ISO/IEC environment via the PAS route. Some committee members had already voiced concerns that Sun was attempting to bend the rules and get the kudos of ISO standardization without subjecting itself or Java to the appropriate levels of scrutiny. In addition, numerous vendors, led by Microsoft wrote to the committee, saying that Sun’s true intention was to retain control over the language. The JTC1 TAG’s meeting began yesterday in Fairfax, Virginia and runs until tomorrow, when the no vote is expected to be confirmed. The meeting is covering a number of applications, of which Sun’s Java submission is just one.