Word has it the Hot Iron Award folk – AIM Technology Performance Measurement Group – have bought themselves out from parent Network General Corp and incorporated as a separate company. They’ll continue to do computer systems testing but will relocate its headquarters to Santa Clara, California, from Cary, Illinois. Meantime, DEC’s delighted that its systems have pushed Compaq Computer Corp systems off the 1997 Hot Iron Award lists which Compaq dominated in 1996. They were published around Networld+InterOp time a couple of weeks back. DEC Prioris systems took five of the NT price and performance places which examine throughput, price and performance in different system pricing bands. Zenith Data Systems Z-Servers and NEC Express servers took two first places apiece and AcerAltos one. In Unix, the Prioris took five awards, DEC AlphaServers took two, Z-Server one and AcerAltos one. In the general workstations mix category Silicon Graphics Inc’s O2, DEC AlphaStation and AlphaServers won on performance, O2, AlphaStation and Ross HyperStation took best price/performance honors.