The 1989 European Unix Systems Show at Porte de Champerret, Paris, turned out to be rather a painful affair, which was only to be expected really, as the show was staged the same time as the very lively UniForum in San Francisco, which meant that all the top Europeans in the Unix world were otherwise occupied. Many exhibitors made no attempt to conceal their dissatisfaction at this faux-pas, and most of the talking revolved around what was happening on the other side of the Atlantic. One of the more interesting products on show was WiSh – an icon-based graphical interface which will run on any Unix based workstation implementation of X-Windows, from Non Standard Logics SA of Paris. It features easy-to-use menu and icon displays for users, which can be customised at run-time by developers with Non Standard’s Graffiti design application, and includes a file editor, WX, specifically for use with X Window. It uses a server called WiX, windows are managed by X, and it can handle different fonts and colours in different windows. It operates under a menu structure with an iconised elevator, and has special modes for editing programs. WISh, Graffiti and WX were all developed at the Universite de Paris-Sud in the capital.