Companies and industry lobbies can shout all they like about how many millions of applications are being written for their particular environment but competitors know they have to start worrying when an environment has attracted so many applications that third parties decide it’s worthwhile offering tools that facilitate the raiding of that applications base for other environments – and that is the tribute that has just been paid to Sun Microsystems Inc’s Open Look graphical user interface by Santa Cruz, California-based TGV Inc: TGV has unveiled an XView for VMS development toolkit designed to facilitate the migration of windows-based applications written for Sun’s Unix machines to DEC’s VAX/VMS operating system; XView for VMS is a server-based, object-oriented toolkit designed for the X Window System and DECwindows, has architecture identical to SunView and uses the Open Look interface and window manager; out in December, it needs VMS 5.2 up; no price.