Point 4 Data Corp, Tustin, California, last reported to be deciding on a RISC processor as the basis of a Unix line to top off its family of Novalikes that run the Iris operating system (CI No 940) has chosen the MIPS Computer Systems R2000, and released a new Mark 2000 Model based on the chip. The base configuration has 8Mb RAM, expandable to 48Mb, and supports from 32 users up to a maximum of 128. Prices start from $54,000. Point 4 says it will contine to market and develop its proprietary Data General Nova-likes for Iris, but has been working with Californian software companies Dynamic Concepts Inc and IMS Inc to do software links between the two ranges. Point 4 introduced a low-end Unix micro last November, sourced from SCI Systems Inc, Huntsville, Alabama, which supports up to 32 users and has a base tag of $9,000.