Nixdorf Computer Ltd has won a another UKP35m on its point of sale contract with Tesco Stores Ltd. It follows a UKP50m deal last year, and emphasises Nixdorf’s standing in food multiples and cash receipting sectors. Tesco has standardised on Nixdorf’s 8812/600 terminals for its large stores, and similar terminals will be installed in stores with between 10 and 15 checkouts. Nixdorf’s 8862 in-store controllers are to be used to provide links with Tesco’s head office IBM mainframe, and back offices will have BA80 display units and printers. The software is being developed to Tesco’s specification, with Nixdorf’s Nistor system as the starting point. Some 120 stores have gone live, and Nixdorf expects to complete another 60 by year-end.