Another European revealing fruits of a multi-million dollar development effort yesterday was ICL, UKP3m the poorer, but the richer by a new 32-application module OMAC 2000 version of its OMAC manufacturing system, and claims that it is the world’s most advanced. Key features are that it is designed to use the CAFS content-addressable file store fast data retrieval system, and a new expert system, OMAC Expert, developed by ICL itself to enable materials controllers and buyers to impose their own rules on the system. According to ICL, it sorts out the mundane from the important, and automates the routine actions that fit these rules. A Lot Traceability module offers all-important assistance on those terrible occasions when salmonella turns up in a pot of your pate up in Preston. Omac 2000, written for the VME operating system on Series 39, includes Electronic Data Interchange, Integrated MRP II and Just-In-Time, engineering management control and the GNC, DIAD, and C-Plan packages from CADCentre Ltd. Available now, OMAC 2000 starts at UKP45,000 as a full turnkey system.