Consolidated turnover at SMT-Goupil SA, the leading independent French microcomputer manufacturer, rose 34% to the equivalent of $117.6m in 1987. The Paris company, shortly to integrate the microcomputer business of Sfena-DSI, claims 18% of the French market for business microcomputers. It claims that in 1987, it shipped 41,892 machines, 3,780 of them being exported. Within the total, the 8086-based G$ and G5 S86 accounted for 21,220 of the total, the G5 286 AT-alike accounted for 16,392, and the G5 386, 2,430 units. The Club portable made up the 1,850 balance, and the company also says that it installed local area networks with a total of 9,247 workstations on them during the year. The G5 386 has just been launched in the UK at a base UKP4,200.