Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp, Salt Lake City, Utah, has added a diskless model to its ESV series of MIPS Computer Systems Inc RISC-based high-end Unix workstations which run the extended, three-dimensional version of the PHIGS graphics standard – PEX – under the X Window System. The ESV 3, at $27,900, claims a performance of 360,000 vectors per second and 19,000 polygons per second, while the top-of-the-line ESV 50 is now also available in a diskless configuration for $78,400. The company will also be offering an FDDI option on its workstations from December with the Fiber Link interface card, priced at $9,900. Biosym Technologies, San Diego, California, has also agreed to implement its molecular modelling packages for the ESV series. Evans has also signed up as a value-added reseller for Kodak’s XL 7700 printer which it will offer on the ESV series from next year at $25,000.