The secure X-terminal that Westboro, Massachusetts-based Visual Technology Inc was reported to be working on, is being developed in conjunction with Dial-Guard Inc: the two are working to integrate Dial-Guard’s embedded microprocessor Smart Card and data encryption security technology into Visual’s X Display Stations. To get into one of the protected terminals, the user signs on and inserts a Smart Card into the Dial-Guard Authenticator, which keeps a list of approved users. Visual will offer the secure option on its full range of X Display Stations and character terminals next year. Foster City, California-based Dial-Guard has a large security installation at the Bank of Bermuda, and has an OEM agreement with Bull HN Information Systems Inc. Visual has also announced release 3.0 of its XDS X Window software for the X Display Station line, providing full compatibility with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s X11 R4 X Window implementation. Upgrades are available now at $400.