IBM also added yet another to its array of PS/2 Model 30s, this time an 8MHz 8086based one with one floppy drive and several storage options, including a faster 30Mb disk drive than the current 20Mb, which is also available. The Model 30001 with 640Kb and 720Kb floppy is $1,700, a second 720Kb floppy is $155 and the 30Mb disk is $950, and can also be used in the Model 30 286-E01, which can now have a second 1.44Mb floppy for $256. There is a 2Mb to 8Mb Memory Expansion Option for all 80286 PS/2s that mixes and matches the 1Mb and the 2Mb Memory Module Kit-85nS options and is $1,800 fully populated. IBM also cut the price of the PS/2 Model 50Z with a 30Mb disk by 19% to $3,250, and with 60Mb disk by 20.6% $3,650. The Model 70-E61 with 60Mb disk is cut 9% to $5,500. The PS/2 Model 30-002 will be withdrawn from July 5, and the Model 50-021 from May 3.