The IBM Personal Publishing System always looked remarkably unconvincing because the software and interface boards were designed to be used only with the equally unconvincing 8086-based Personal System/2, which isn’t a PS/2 at all except in name: IBM has now plugged the credibility gap by announcing an Adaptor Card to go into the PS/2 50, 60 and 80, and a new release of the Personal Page Printer Adaptor Program for the IBM 4216 laser Personal Pageprinter; in the UK, the pageprinter is UKP1,544, the Adaptor board UKP1,207, the Adaptor Program UKP619, Microsoft Windows UKP77 and Aldus Corp Pagemaker UKP606; you also need MS-DOS 3.3, UKP70, and the AT and XT/286 are now also supported, which means you should be able to put together a desk-top publishing system for about UKP6,200, assuming around UKP2,000 for an 80286 machine.