Following its taking of a 30% stake in networking group TSL Communications Ltd (CI No 725), Case Group Plc has paid UKP800,000 for a similar share of Swindon, Wiltshire start-up Mayse Systems Ltd. Mayse is the latest brainchild of Bob Jones, who three years ago sold his Steebek Systems Ltd to Dowty Group Plc. Steebek, now called Dowty Information Systems, continued to supply Case with modems after its takeover but recently Case has been feeling constrained by the volumes available. Case is now looking to Mayse to fill the gap. Mayse’s initial products are due to ship early next year, before Case’s year end in March. The company says they will be medium to high speed modems particularly suited for the European market as they will be very software-oriented and easily adapted to the varying performance requirements and interfaces.