Pitney Bowes Business Insight, a provider of location and communication intelligence offerings, has released its new versions of EngageOne Interactive and DOC1 software that includes new features designed to improve productivity, control and performance. The new versions enhance company’s suite of high-volume, interactive and on-demand customer communication management (CCM) offerings.

The company said that the new version of EngageOne Interactive includes enhanced template management, extended version control such as effective date processing and new retention policy features to accelerate the personalised document creation process. EngageOne also offers advanced navigation features for group prompting and the management of multiple documents in a template for interactive editing.

According to Pitney Bowes, the new version of EngageOne has been enhanced to support traditional batch processing for EngageOne deployed templates, as well as interactive document generation. The new EngageOne batch process has been independently benchmarked to generate documents at rates of 32,000 pages per minute.

In addition, the DOC1 software features a fast production engine, generating 80,000 pages per minute, which enhances white space management capabilities to add optional content.

The company claims that the CCM suite enables enterprise IT, marketing, customer service and other business users, to create and manage batch interactive communications that help acquire, serve and grow customer relationships.

Lisa Sutrick, director of CCM product management at Pitney Bowes Business Insight, said: “The updates to EngageOne Interactive and DOC1 software are designed to enhance the creation and management of document templates. Account statements, bills, correspondence and other forms of communication are the pillars of any customer care program, and Pitney Bowes Business Insight continues to provide powerful solutions that decrease document production costs, time and resources, and increase customer loyalty.”