The demise of original Today developers BBJ Pty Ltd from Melbourne, Australia put the brakes on the continuing development of the applications generator for a long time. But now the new owner of the technology, the giant – in Australian computer company terms – Computer Power Group Pty Ltd, Sydney is ready to release Version 3.0 of what it now refers to as the Today application development environment. The company claims that Release 3.0 is the result of $5.3m investment and 30 man years of development put in over less than 18 months, and includes a number of significant enhancements. These include the integration of expert systems development tools and constructs, a knowledge acquisition facility, new application development, analysis and quality assurance functions, multi-lingual and client tailoring abilities, and support for value-added reseller application development, security and licensing. The software division of Computer Power Group says it has achieved major sales in Australia, the US, Europe and Asia over the past year, and added six more countries to its active distribution list. The company is also a strategic service partner with IBM on its AD/Cycle application development strategy. Today 3.0 is shipping now in Australia and Europe, and runs under DEC’s VMS, Hewlett’s MPE, Unix, Prime’s Primos and MS-DOS systems, and on Novell, 3Com and Banyan networked systems. It also interfaces to databases including C-ISAM, Informix, Oracle, RMS, RDB, Midas