Denali Software has released the extended PureSpec verification IP product with planning and protocol exploration capabilities, plus integration into 3rd party verification planners, such as Synopsys VMM Planner.

Denali claims that the PureSpec verification product generates a customised test plan based on protocol specifics and design parameters. The planning feature provides design and verification engineers with a complete test plan in standard formats, offering a transparent and objective measurement scale.

The company said that the protocol explorer within PureSpec provides visibility into protocol concepts and objects, instead of wave forms. This protocol-aware debugger facilitates to report the state machines and properties, and back to trace data packets and protocol events, thus to shorten the debugging cycle times.

In addition, PureSpec enables integration with verification methodologies and third party planners to enable automated verification and back-annotation of the coverage data to the test plan. This integration is expected to improve the predictability of the verification process, the company added.

Sanjiv Kumar, director of verification IP products at Denali, said: “Our PureSpec product enables automated validation of a protocol interface through high-quality test plans, sequence and assertion libraries and BFM via any coverage driven methodology. Denali PureSpec further delivers a powerful capability for protocol-aware exploration and intuitive debugging.”