It has often appeared that the giant Trafalgar House Plc was not even aware that it owned little ABS Computers Ltd down in Sussex – the company never seems to merit a mention in the shipping and construction company’s annual report – so it’s good news that Trafalgar is not only very much aware of its computer property, but is rewarding ABS for some smart growth with a capital injection of UKP1.3m – made by way of a rights issue by ABS’ legal parent, Allied Business Systems Ltd, all of which was taken up by Trafalgar House. ABS is now heavily into remarketing of Unix systems under the C-Horse name, and claims to be number two to DEC in the UK Unix systems market although on what basis is unclear; it has just signed new remarketing agreements worth UKP7m with Olivetti and Zilog for Unix systems based on the AT&T WE32100 chip family.