Ruthless natural selection that ensures the survival of only the very fittest is one of the characteristics of the Japanese market that forces local companies to innovate at a frightening rate and continue to reduce costs – and prices – to out-sell the rest of the world on international markets: an example is the domestic facsimile market, where Canon Inc has a new Group III Canofax with 100Kb memory and loos to sell 20,000 a month of the $1,900 machines, Toshiba Corp has a new Spot-20 Group III with 256Kb memory and hopes to do 7,000 a month at the same price as the Canofax, while Hitachi Ltd is pushing features with the Hifax 38M/28M/18M series of high-function facsimiles, which have electronic notebooks, can send concurrently to 100 locations and cost between $2,440 and $4,200.