Similar 3090 special offers to the ones currently available from IBM UK Ltd (CI No 1,163) are also available in the US, but in addition, over there, the company is offering trade-in prices on 308X machines to people signing for new 3090S models that are much better than customers could get selling on the used market. According to Computer & Communications Buyer, IBM is offering about $300,000 for a 3081K, $350,000 for a KX, about $650,000 for a 3084Q and $725,000 for a QX. By comparison, on the open market, a 3081K fetches $80,000, there have been bids for KXs at $175,000 to $200,000, $450,000 to $500,000 for Qs and $550,000 to $650,000 for QXs. The IBM sales force has had the terms and conditions in the form of a restricted letter, which means that the user gets the offer only orally and not in writing until negotiations are at an advanced stage. Traditionally, IBM takes back used equipment only through IBM Credit Corp: if the parent buys it back itself, it is barred from then reselling it.