On-Line Software International Inc, Fort Lee, Mew Jersey has joined the hordes of developers rolling out products to fit in with IBM’s AD/Cycle. In particular it is recognising the fact that DB2 is rapidly becoming the standard database on the mainframe and is homing in on this market. Happily, it has just bought the database product line from Systems Center Inc (CI No 1,527) and so will no doubt have more to say about this market in the near future. At present it has AD/Vance DataModeler, which is a TSO/ISPF mainframe-based data modelling tool that enables distribution of corporate models to both mainframe and personal computer users for use, review and modifications. The product was co-developed with the Indian company Tata Consultancy Services, based in Bombay. For those happy with buying into a mix and match approach to the development life cycle, AD/Vance is designed for use with front end softwaree engineering tools such as Knowledgeware’s Information Engineering Workbench. The data modeller has an Entity-Relationship Diagram Facility to automate entity-relationship diagramming, so that designers can define data entities, attributes and their specific properties and relationships. This information can be created and maintained graphically or by using ISPF panels. On-Line says it will offer a real-time Repository Manager interface in 1991. The current product has a time-stamping facility that avoids concurrent updates as well as a Domain Assignment Facility that establishes and enforces corporate data standards. Data administrators will be pleased to hear that the DataModeler’s Expert Model Validation Facilities automate the model review and quality assurance process. The company claims that the product can be installed in under an hour, and the entry-level price is $31,500.