Where Tandem Computers Inc goes, Stratus Computer Inc very soon follows, and such is the case with Tandem’s move into the airline world – Lufthansa German Airlines is using an XA2000 Continuous Processing System on which to run a cargo community system called Mosaik (a network that freight agents use to arrange shipments aboard air carriers) which is open to all airlines: application software for the system was developed by West German telecommunications company Danet GmbH which built it upon Network Express products from the Stratus third-party software house Scientific Software Inc of Atlanta, Georgia; West German subscribers can connect their systems to Mosaik using dedicated links, packet-switched networks and leased or dial-up telephone lines conforming to the X25/X29, SNA, asynchronous and bisynchronous protocols; next year Mosaik will also offer electronic mail facilities using X400 and as more freight agents and air carriers join the system it will expand into an international network.