The UK’s largest ICL trader in Unix-based systems, Pentagon Business Systems Plc, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, has signed a multi-million pound contract with software developer Software Laboratories Ltd of Dublin, Eire, for the exclusive distribution of its Unigem accounting and transaction processing development environment on ICL hardware in the UK. Said to be worth UKP13m at resale value over a three year period, it is the third major distribution deal for Unigem in as many months: the product is exclusively distributed in Australia by NEC Corp, and last month Paris-based sales and marketing company Linkor bought the rights to sell it to major users, small to medium sized computer manufacturers and systems integrators in a UKP15m agreement. Pentagon, which claims 40% of the UK ICL Unix market, and is particularly strong in high-end systems business, will act as a master distributor for other ICL dealers, and can also operate on a non-exclusive basis for ICL business abroad: the company’s first order, about to be signed, is for an ICL customer in Jamaica. Software Laboratories says that Pentagon’s large systems experience suits the Unigem product, which has been developed using mainframe software principles: further UK deals with computer manufacturers will be announced shortly, and the company is currently planning its entry into the US market.