Root Computers Ltd, London, EC has reason to celebrate launch of the 68020-based Apple Macintosh II, because it turns out that its Unisoft subsidiary in Berkeley, California was largely responsible for the A/UX implementation of Unix System V with BSD 4.2 extensions. A/UX, which conforms to the System V Interface Definition, also includes the Unisoft B-Net implementation of the TCP/IP protocol for communication over Ethernetworks, and Sun Microsystems’ Network File System. The implementation includes Apple-Talk support, and some 50 BSD utilities. Unisoft is also offering three optimising compilers for the Mac II under Unix, all of them from Green Hills Software. Fortran 77, C and Pascal each costs $700 in single quantities, and Unisoft and Root will be selling them to end-users in the US and Europe, as well as to OEM customers and resellers.