McDonnell Douglas Information Systems Ltd of Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, has signed an exclusive marketing agreement with IBT Consultants (UK) Ltd to distribute IBT’s International Bank & Trust system in the UK and Republic of Ireland: the multi currency system is written in McDonnell Douglas fourth generation language, PRO-IV, and it is transportable across IBM and DEC environments; the system has facilities for management of retail banking and portfolio services, and provides general led-ger accounting and treasury operations; it is to supply London-based Bank Mees & Hope NV with the system, which has a central information file to hold static data such as the customer database, credit limits and standard instructions; additional modules have been installed to provide credit, loan, money transfer, and balance sheet analysis; the money transfer module incorporates a link for automatic transaction processing, and a foreign exchange application will provide facilities for administration of Forward Exchange Agreements.