Unisys Corp yesterday announced its version of Convergent Technologies’ 80386-based N-Gen and defined, at last, its Unix line up. The B38 will now top the B25 BTOS range. Unisys also announced ClusterShare to network up to 11 Personals around the B38. Two versions of the B38 are available, the B38-CPU and the B38-MCP, both with up to 4Mb memory. The B38-MCP adds a 10MHz 80287 maths co-processor; all will be out here in May. A new OFISdesigner package, integrating text, graphics, spreadsheets and voice in one document – based on the Unisys Secretarial Word Processor; an Intelligent Data Communications Module, the B25-IDS, which uses the Intel 80186 processor and has 512Kb memory and two communications ports: an Ethernet LAN module, B25-EN3 which allows B26, B28 and B38 workstations to be connected over a high speed local net, will also arrive in May. A 1Mb B38-CPU is UKP3,800, with maths co-processor it’s UKP4,500. A Clustershare card for a Personal is UKP400, the software UKP150 and the B25 master software is UKP140. The Intelligent Datacommunication Module will be UKP950; an Ethernet Module – UKP1,350; and the OFISdesigner software UKP1,000. Merger of the Sperry and Burroughs Unix lines involves only renaming the Burroughs-Convergent XE500-5 the 5000/70 and squeezing it into a gap no-one realised existed between the NCR and Arete machines in the Sperry line. The line up, in order is the 5000/30 and 50, NCR; the 70, Convergent; 90, Arete; and 7000/30 and 40, Computer Consoles. In the US, two top-end V-series machines, the 510 and 530, successors to the old batch B29-39-4900 line were added, offering two and four times V380 performance at a base $950,000 for 20Mb 520, $1.775m for 40Mb 530.