Yesterday saw the introduction of Concurrent Computer Corp’s 3280SP single processor real-time supermini. Coming in at ?200,000, the box is rated at just over 6 MIPS and supports up to 32Mb of main memory and up to 1Gb of disk. It runs under Concurrent’s OS/32 and Unix V-based operating systems. The 3280 single processor, or 3280SP, has an integral 32-bit processor with 16Kb cache memory. It is the This is the first preconfigured system in the new 3280 range. For ?200,000 the user gets a 6.4 MIPS processor with 8Mb of memory, two HPD368F fixed disk drives, 10Mbyte-per-second direct memory access and either a CT1600 501PS tape system or SCSI system. Concurrent says the 3280SP isn’t the most powerful machine in the range since the 3280MPS can support up to six processors. It was unable to say what gate arrays were used in the CPU.