Siemens AG has added to its Intel-based systems range with the launch of four new workstations in West Germany. The WX200 Series of internally-developed 80386 and 80486 systems run the Santa Cruz Operation’s Open Desktop package of Unix System V.3, database, office software and networking, accessed through the OSF/Motif user interface. Emulation of alphanumeric Sinix screens enables the integration of applications written for Siemens’ Sinix Unix implementation, and Siemens also offers its own X Window-based Collage graphical interface as an alternative to OSF/Motif. SQL, TCP/IP and Network File System, and MS-DOS emulation are also offered as standard. WX200 workstations include two desktop models – the 10DT and 20DT – and two deskside models – 30T and 40T (where the T stands for Tower, but don’t tell NCR Corp!). 80386 and 80486 processors run at between 16MHz and 33MHz, depending on the model, and screen options range from 16 640 by 480 resolution to 19 1280 by 1024, in monochrome or colour. Siemens aims the systems at office, desktop publishing (using the FrameMaker package), CAD/CAM, CASE and artificial intelligence applications. Available in April, prices start at the equivalent of about $12,000, with no prices for the UK market set yet.