Despite continued reports that the UK personal computer market is still booming, Victor UK has instituted a series of price reductions. The High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire Tandy Corp company is discounting its top-end V386 33MHz and 25MHz file servers, the mains-powered V286P and batterypowered V86P, and its V386CX 16MHz 80386SX desktops. The 80Mb version of the V386T/33 is cut 25% to UKP5,000, and the 600Mb version is down 7.8% to UKP7,650. The V386T running at 25MHz with 4Mb random access memory and a 210Mb disk is reduced to UKP4,700. A 12MHz V286P mains powered portable with a 30Mb hard disk drive is down 20% to UKP2,000. The battery-powered V86P is 30% off at UKP700 for the floppy version, and 33% off at UKP1,000 with a 20Mb hard disk. Victor’s V386CX desktop systems have also been reduced, and the single floppy 1Mb VGA model is cut by 15% to UKP1,700, and the 80Mb version is 7.4% off at UKP2,500. The price changes came into effect on April 2 last.