Tandem Computers Inc, Cupertino, California doesn’t intend to let its strong position in networking products for its NonStop transaction processors, and, as reported briefly (CI 1,153), this week came out with a string of new communications products. SNAX/CDF, Cross Domian Facility is an extension to Tandem’s SNAX SNA communications family and is designed to enable easy and cost-effective integration of Tandem host systems into IBM SNA networks. OSI/AS Application Services is Tandem’s second generation of products supporting the Open Systems Interconnection seven-layer reference model standards and enables users to access other OSI-compliant applications on local and wide area networks via a uniform, standard interface. Tandem TCP/IP is the company’s implementation of the US Department of Defense Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol set of layered communications protocols, and enables Tandem machines to be integrated with other ones implementing TCP/IP over Ethernetworks. And Expand/LAN is an enhancement to the Tandem Expand transaction processing networking software, enabling users to take advantage of their existing local network cabling to extend their Expand network, increasing configuration flexibility and reducing the costs of connections while adding transaction processing benefits. All the new products will be generally available in the third quarter of 1989, and initial licences for SNAX/CDF start at $3,500; Tandem OSI/AS starts at $2,475; Tandem TCP/IP starts at $4,000; and Exp and/LAN is offered at no additional charge with to people who have or buy an Expand software licence.